Although just being in nature and on the water is a pleasure, as in any other sport, it is important that the equipment is of high quality. Especially in casting fishing, the quality of the equipment is highlighted. With bad equipment, it is difficult to spot turps, casting becomes difficult and enthusiasm for fishing may end for this reason alone. Nowadays, there is a selection for every taste and there are dedicated people who are happy to assist in the purchase of equipment.
Always choose equipment according to the species to be fished. When fishing for perch, the rod must be sensitive enough to feel the turpentine and when the perch "stirs up" with sharp kicks, the fish cannot escape from the end of the line. However, there must be enough "kick" at the base of the rod to hook the perch. It would be good if the 1/3 part of the rod was relatively stiff.
In bottom fishing, the most important thing is to get a feel for the jig. A fishing line and an appropriately sized jig head play a big role when starting jig fishing. At first, it may be easier to prefer slightly oversized jig heads to get a feel for the bottom. In summer, when the water is warm, larger weights generally work when the fish are active. If the target fish does not show interest in the lure, you should change the size of the jig and the weight of the jig head.

There are many types of lures. For example, jigs can be roughly divided by type into fish jigs, worm jigs and maggot jigs. There are many different variations and combinations of these main types, i.e. hybrids. Always start with organic dyes. I mostly prefer natural colors when fishing. You should try the "softest" colors first, and if the fish doesn't show interest in the lure, you can try adding different shades to the lure.
The temperature of the water also plays an important role in choosing a lure. As a rule of thumb, the colder the water, the smaller the lure. In midsummer, you should prefer movement and relaxation.
When fishing for zander, the rod and reel can be a notch thicker. Personally, I prefer a rod that has enough power for zander fishing. This means that if the pearch is on the rod, then 1/3 base of the rod is almost unbendable part, so to speak, and, correspondingly, it can be almost 2/3 of it in the zander. The zanders mouth is very bony and hooking the zander requires stiffness from the rod. Don't get discouraged if you can't catch a fish with the first few casts. After a few tries, it will certainly be successful and it is very rewarding when you get that first zander into the boat. A zanders bite during warm water is one of the best experiences of zander fishing.

Now that the equipment has been chosen, the next thing to do is to choose the place where fish are most likely to be found at that time. Although the sonar is a big help, it is possible to find fish even without it.
A map is an extremely important tool when looking for fish. Today, map material can even be found for free online. By examining the map, it is possible to determine where fish could be found in the area in question. Fish like all kinds of shelters. It's worth starting in places where there are rock or range of rocks. They are either visible or underwater. Fish are usually found in both.
The "abnormalities" found on the depth curves of the map are especially important during the summer. If, for example, there is deeper water in the area and there is a shallower area close to it, where there are so-called shelves on the depth curve, you will find the fish with relative certainty.
When casting, it is recommended to fish in a depth range of 0-9 m. When fishing deeper than 9 m, the fish almost invariably dies when being lifted - this is due to too fast a change in pressure.
Depending on the water body, the living conditions of the fish affect the depth to be fished. In shallow bodies of water, fish can usually be found in places with slightly deeper moats. In these too, you should prefer the edges of the basin.

The fish seek the warmest places. Places where the wind has not been able to mix the water and the surface water has been warmed by the sun are often suitable. Surface rocks where the sun has warmed the rocks also attract cold fish.
As summer approaches, the predatory fish move towards deeper waters. In this case, you should start looking for fish on the banks in the 5-9 m areas. The biggest predatory fish spend the summer in the intermediate water of the deeper areas. In summer, things to consider are e.g. taking care of the fisherman's own adequate hydration. On warm days, when fishing, you may forget to drink enough fluids and there is a risk of dehydration. Protection from the sun also plays an important role. A sunscreen with a sufficient protection factor or covering clothing is never too much. Also a hat and sunglasses before going to the lake.
With the arrival of autumn, predatory fish begin to prepare for the coming of winter. In the fall, the fish start stocking up on food for the long winter. Autumn is often a fisherman's golden time. The splendor of nature and active fishes are an experience at its best. Of course, the circumstances must be taken into account. Cold and winds are things that inevitably come up in fall fishing. It may come as a surprise to a beginner fisherman how much colder the waters are compared to land areas. On the water you are exposed to the wind and even a little wind makes the conditions much colder. So bring decent equipment and preferably double.

When active fish have been found somewhere in the water, then it is worth multiplying the place, so to speak, i.e. in places of the same type, fish can usually be found in other parts of the lake as well.